Theodore I Laskaris

Corpus Nummorum Byzantinorum Recentissimorum

Nicaea and Magnesia Mints

CNB 1.1

Photograph © Classical Numismatic Group, CNG,

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AU.  IC XC KЄRO HΘЄI Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand holding spear.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CNB 1.1.

CNB 1.2A

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AR.  IC XC O ЄMMANȣHΛ Half-length figure of Christ Emmanuel, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding patriarchal Cross mounted on three steps; Emperor wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sheathed sword downwards; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton and sagion, l. hand holding sheathed sword downwards.  Sear 2066.  LBC 188.  DOC IV XXVII 4.  CNB 1.2A

CNB 1.2B

Photograph © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford,

Same as previous but reverse chlamys with extra gemstone.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CNB 1.2B.

CNB 1.3A

Photograph © Fotografie Lübke & Wiedemann, Leonberg (LHS Numismatic AG)

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AR.  O ΘЄOΔωPOC MHP ΘV Full-length figures of St. Theodore and Theotokos, nimbate and both in orans, shield resting between; St. Theodore bearded, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion; Theotokos wearing tunic and maphorion; Manus Dei blesses pair in upper field.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC KOMNHNOC O ΛACKAPHC IC XC Full-length figures of emperor and Christ, bearded; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum l. patriarchal Cross with base of three steps; Christ cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand outstretched to crown emperor and l. holding Gospels.  Sear 2063.  LBC —.  DOC IV XXVII 1.2.  CNB 1.3A

CNB 1.3B

Same as previous but obverse with sagion variant.  Sear —.  LBC —.  DOC IV XXVII 1.1.  CNB 1.3A

CNB 1.4

Photograph © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford,

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AR.  IC XC KЄRO HΘЄI Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with one pellet per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, standing on dais, r. hand outstretched in benediction and l. holding Gospels.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding star-tipped-scepter; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sheathed sword downwards; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding sheathed sword downwards.  Sear 2065.  LBC 137.  DOC IV XXVII 3.  CNB 1.4.

CNB 1.5A

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AR.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, bearded, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding star-tipped-scepter; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sheathed sword downwards; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding sheathed sword downwards.  Sear 2064.  LBC 132, 136.  DOC IV XXVII 2.1-2.2.  CNB 1.5A.

CNB 1.5B

Same as previous but obverse with pellet mounted on line decoration to either throne panel.  Sear —.  LBC 133, 135.  DOC IV XXVII 2.3-2.4.  CNB 1.5B.

Photograph © Numismatica Ars Classica, NAC AG,

CNB 1.5C

Same as previous but obverse dot to either side of lower throne.  Sear —.  LBC 134.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.5C.

CNB 1.5D

Same as 1.5A but obverse with lower throne variant.  Sear —.  LBC —.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.5D.

CNB 1.5E

Same as 1.5A but obverse with lower throne variant.  Sear —.  LBC —.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.5E.

CNB 1.5F

Same as previous but obverse star-tipped-scepter with triangular decoration on mount.  Sear —.  LBC —.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.5F.

CNB 1.6A

Photograph © Classical Numismatic Group, CNG,

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AE.  MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ʘ ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with chiton, l. hand holding spear.  Sear 2061.  LBC 138, 140-6, 150-1, 156.  DOC IV XXVII 5.  CNB 1.6A

CNB 1.6B

Same as previous but reverse with loros variant.  Sear —.  LBC 139.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.6B.

CNB 1.6C

Same as previous but reverse with loros variant.  Sear —.  LBC 153.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.6C.

CNB 1.6D

Same as previous but reverse with loros variant.  Sear —.  LBC 147-9, 152-5.  DOC IV —.  CNB 1.6D.

CNB 1.6E

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2050 (incorrectly attributed as Latin).  LBC 127 (incorrectly attributed as Latin), 157-60.  DOC IV LIII 36 (incorrectly attributed as Latin).  CNB 1.6E.

CNB 1.7A

Photograph © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford,

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AE.  IC XC O ЄMMANȣHΛ Half-length figure of Christ Emmanuel, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ʘ ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding patriarchal Cross with base of three steps; Emperor wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sheathed sword downwards; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding sheathed sword downwards.  Sear 2068.  LBC 189-92.  DOC IV XXVIII 8.  CNB 1.7A.

CNB 1.7B

Same as previous but reverse chlamys with single gemstone. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.7B.

CNB 1.7C

Same as previous but small module. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.7C.

CNB 1.8

Photograph © Classical Numismatic Group, CNG, 

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD,   AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll; Cross in either field.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ʘ ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding labarum with circular decoration; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand holding spear; Sheathed sword to either side of labarum.  Sear 2067.  LBC 186-7.  DOC IV XXVIII 7.  CNB 1.8.

CNB 1.9A

Trachy, Nicaea circa 1208 – 1222 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC KOMNHNOC O ΛACKAPHC Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia; Manus Dei blesses emperor in upper l. field.  Sear 2062.  LBC 161-85.  DOC IV XXVIII 6.  CNB 1.9A.

CNB 1.9B

Photograph © Classical Numismatic Group, CNG, 

Same as previous but reverse chlamys with star embroidery on either side. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9B.

CNB 1.9C

Same as previous but obverse throne with star to either side. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9C.

CNB 1.9D

Same as 1.9B but reverse chlamys with extra gemstone. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9D.

CNB 1.9E

Same as previous but obverse throne with star to either side. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9E.

CNB 1.9F

Same as 1.9D but reverse sagion with gemstone embroidery to either side, divitision with singular gemstone. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9F.

CNB 1.9G

Same as 1.9A but reverse with semi paneled chlamys, sagion with four jewel embroidered to either side Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9G.

CNB 1.9H

Same as previous but obverse throne with dot sigla to l. side. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9H.

CNB 1.9I

Same as previous but obverse throne with dot sigla to either side; Reverse sagion embroidery unclear but likely as previous. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9I.

CNB 1.9J

Same as 1.9B but reverse with paneled chlamys. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9J.

CNB 1.9K

Same as previous but obverse throne with star to either side. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9K

CNB 1.9L

Same as previous but reverse with chlamys variant, sagion without embroidery (?). Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9L.

CNB 1.9M

Same as 1.9B but reverse with chlamys variant. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9M.

CNB 1.9N

Same as previous but obverse throne with star to either side. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9N.

CNB 1.9O

Same as previous but reverse chlamys with extra gemstone. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –. CNB 1.9O.

CNB 1.10A

Trachy, Nicaea circa 1208 – 1222 AD,  AE.  O AΓIOC ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figure of St. Theodore, nimbate and bearded, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, r. hand holding spear and l. resting on shield.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC KOMNHNOC O ΛACKAPHC Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros, sagion with star embroidery on either side, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger; Manus Dei blesses emperor in upper l. field.  Sear 2071.  LBC –.  DOC IV XXVIII 11.  CNB 1.10A.

CNB 1.10B

Photograph © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford,

Same as previous but reverse legend as ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC.  Sear –.  LBC 195-6.  DOC –.  CNB 1.10B.

CNB 1.11

Photograph © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford,

Trachy, Nicaea circa 1208 – 1222 AD,  AE.  IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2070.  LBC 193-4.  DOC IV XXVIII 10.  CNB 1.11.

CNB 1.12

Photograph © Nomos AG,

Tetarteron weight, Nicaea circa 1208 – 1222 AD,  AE.  O AΓIOC ΘЄOΔωPOC Half-length figure of St. Theodore, nimbate and bearded, wearing body armor with chiton, r. hand holding spear and l. resting on shield.  Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC Half-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger; +ΒΑCΙΛΙΚΟΝ incised around the edge.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CNB 1.12.

Coinage of John III Vatazes!

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