Corpus Nummorum Byzantinorum Recentissimorum: 1204-1461
For various trachea likely to be issued by John but unable to be proven so conclusively, see the uncertain coinage of Thessalonica.


Thessalonica Mint
CNB 10.1A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and Saigon, both hands hold sheathed sword across lap. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH MHP ΘV Full-length figures of emperor and Theotokos, holding cross-within-circle-tipped-scepter with triangular decoration; Emperor wearing divitision, loros (A6 B10 C1 E19 F4), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia; Theotokos, nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, l. hand in benediction. Sear 2187. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 1. CLBC 14.1.1. CNB 10.1A.
CNB 10.1B

Same as previous but intermediate module, reverse with A14 B12 loros variants (A14 B12 C1 E19 F4). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.1.2. CNB 10.1B.
CNB 10.1C

Same as previous but reverse with E17 loros variant (A14 B12 C1 E17 F4). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.1C.
CNB 10.1D

Same as 10.1B but reverse with B20 loros variant (A14 B20 C1 E17 F4). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.1D.
CNB 10.1E

Same as 10.1C but reverse with A15 loros variant (A15 B12 C1 E17 F4). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.1E.
CNB 10.1F

Same as previous but reverse with E13 loros variant (A15 B12 C1 E13 F4). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.1F.
CNB 10.1G

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2199. LBC 367-7. DOC IV XLIII 14. CLBC 14.1.3. CNB 10.1G.
CNB 10.2A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. (?) XEPȣBIM Full-length figure of cherub nimbate, standing on square dais, arms outstretched to either side; Four wings around. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding sheathed sword; Emperor wearing divitision, loros (A6 B12 C1 E17 F1), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand holding spear over shoulder. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.14.3. CNB 10.2A.
CNB 10.2B

Same as previous but reverse with A14 E13 F4 loros variants (A14 B12 C1 E13 F4). Sear –. LBC – (See 405 for a misidentified example). DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.2B.
CNB 10.3A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Head of Cherub with arms outstretched. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding sheathed sword; Emperor wearing divitision, loros (A14 B20 C1 E13 F5), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand holding spear over shoulder. Sear 2210. LBC 401-5. DOC XLIII 25a. CLBC 14.13.3. CNB 10.3A.
CNB 10.3B

Same as previous but reverse with A10 B1 loros variant (A10 B1 C1 E13 F4). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.3B.
CNB 10.3C

Same as 10.3A but reverse with A15 loros variant (A15 B20 C1 E13 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.3C.
CNB 10.3D

Same as 10.3A but reverse with E43 loros variant (A14 B20 C1 E43 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.3D.
CNB 10.3E

Same as previous but reverse with A10 B4 loros variants (A10 B4 C1 E43 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.3E.
CNB 10.3F

Same as 10.3D but reverse with A15 loros variants (A15 B20 C1 E43 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.3F.
CNB 10.3G

Same as previous but reverse with E44 loros variants (A15 B20 C1 E44 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 10.3G.
CBB 10.4

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. IC XC Retrograde B attached to an inverted patriarchal Cross. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding sheathed sword; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand holding spear over shoulder. Sear 2211. LBC 406. DOC IV XLII 25b. CLBC 14.15.3. CBB 10.4.
CBB 10.5

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Wing. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding sheathed sword; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, r. hand holding spear over shoulder; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding spear over shoulder. Sear 2212. LBC 407. DOC IV XLIII 26. CLBC 14.16.3. CBB 10.5.
CBB 10.6

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Fleur de lis. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of St. Demetrius and emperor, holding B-tipped-scepter; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing lamellar body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding sheathed sword downwards; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia. Sear 2198. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 12. CLBC 14.12.2. CBB 10.6.
CBB 10.7A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Half-length figure of Cherub, nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, and maniakion. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of St. Demetrius and emperor, holding B-tipped-scepter; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing lamellar body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding sheathed sword downwards; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia. Sear 2209 (incorrectly described, reverse as St. Michael). LBC 398-400 (incorrectly described, reverse as St. Michael). DOC IV XLIII 24a (incorrectly described, reverse as St. Michael). CLBC 14.12.3.A (incorrectly described, reverse as St. Michael). CBB 10.7A.
CBB 10.7B

Same as previous but obverse with three-quarter length Cherub. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLIII 24b (incorrectly described, reverse as St. Michael). CLBC 14.12.3.B (incorrectly described, reverse as St. Michael). CBB 10.7B
CBB 10.8A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. IC XC Large patriarchal Cross on base; dots at the end of each limb. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding model city of Thessalonica; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing lamellar body armor with pteryges, and chiton, l. hand holding wrapped sagion at waist. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.17.1. CBB 10.8A.
CBB 10.8B

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.8B.
CBB 10.8C

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2213. LBC 408-10. DOC IV XLIII 27. CLBC 14.17.3. CBB 10.8C
CBB 10.9A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figure of St. Theodore, bearded and nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and saigon, r. hand holding spear and l. resting on shield; Fleur-de-lis to either side. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius; Emperor, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia; St. Demetrius, nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and saigon, r. hand outstretched to crown the emperor and l. holding sword downwards. Sear 2188 (incorrectly described). LBC 368-9. DOC IV XLII 2. CLBC 14.2.1. CBB 10.9A.
CBB 10.9B

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC 370-1. DOC –. CLBC 14.2.2. CBB 10.9B.
CBB 10.9C

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2200. LBC 378-80. DOC IV XLIII 15. CLBC 14.2.3. CBB 10.9C
CBB 10.10A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Torso of angelic being with wing and face to either side, arm from either wing holding cross-within-circle with triangle decoration. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC NIK Full-length figures of emperor and St. Nicholas (?); Emperor, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia; St. Nicholas bearded and nimbate, wearing episcopal vestments, omophorion, and sakkos, r. hand outstretched to crown the emperor and l. holding Gospels. Sear 2192. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 6. CLBC 14.6.1. CBB 10.9A.
CBB 10.10B

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.6.2. CBB 10.10B
CBB 10.10C

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2203. LBC 387-9. DOC IV XLIII 18. CLBC 14.6.3. CBB 10.10C
CBB 10.11A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1222 -1254 AD, AE. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Three-quarter-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, r. hand holding sword and l. sheath. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOTH MHP ΘV Full-length figures of emperor and Theotokos; Emperor, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum over shoulder and l. akakia; Theotokos nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, r. Hand outstretched to crown emperor and l. in benediction. Sear 2193. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 7. CLBC 14.7.1. CBB 10.11A.
CBB 10.11B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2204. LBC –. DOC XLIII 19. CLBC 14.7.3. CBB 10.11B.
CBB 10.12A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast; three dots to either side above throne cushion. Rev. IωANNIC ΔЄCΠOCTH Full-length figure of emperor, wearing pteryges, breastplate, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger. Sear 2189. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 3. CLBC 14.3.1. CBB 10.12A.
CBB 10.12B

Same as previous but obverse with no sigla and intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.3.3. CBB 10.12B.
CBB 10.12C

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2201. LBC 381-3. DOC IV XLII 16. CLBC 14.3.2. CBB 10.12C.
CBB 10.13

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast; dot to either side above throne cushion. Rev. IωANNIC ΔЄCΠOCTH Full-length figure of emperor, wearing divitsion, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia; Manus Dei blesses emperor in upper l. field. Sear 2214. LBC 411-3. DOC IV XLIII 28. CLBC 14.18.3. CBB 11.13.
CBB 10.14A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠ Full-length figure of emperor, winged, wearing divitsion, loros, sagion, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.25.2 (incorrectly described, reverse with no sagion). CBB 10.14A.
CBB 10.14B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2219 (incorrectly described, reverse with no sagion). LBC 421-3 (incorrectly described, reverse with no sagion). DOC IV XLIII 34 (incorrectly described, reverse with no sagion). CLBC 14.25.3 (incorrectly described, reverse with no sagion). CBB 10.14B.
CBB 10.15

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Crescent, four stars and four clusters of four dots around. Rev. IωANNIC ΔЄCΠOCTH Full-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, chlamys, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, in r. hand holding labarum and in l. globus cruciger. Sear 2215. LBC 414-5. DOC IV XLIII 29. CLBC 14.19.3. CBB 10.15.
CBB 10.16A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Dotted, radiate Cross. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠ Full-length figure of emperor, wearing pteryges, chiton, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, in r. hand holding sword over shoulder and in l. model city of Thessalonica. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.16A.
CBB 10.16B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2216. LBC 417. DOC IV XLIII 30. CLBC 14.20.3. CBB 10.16B.
CBB 10.17A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, beardless, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, r. hand holding sword over shoulder and l. resting on shield. Rev. IωANNIC ΔЄCΠOCTH Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia. Sear 2223. LBC –. DOC IV XLIII 38. CLBC –. CBB 10.17A.
CBB 10.17B

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.29.2. CBB 10.17B
CBB 10.17C

Same as previous but small module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.29.3. CBB 10.17C
CBB 10.18

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Star. Rev. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion; Star in either field. Sear 2218. LBC 420. DOC IV XLIII 33. CLBC 14.24.3. CBB 10.18.
CBB 10.19A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. X AP XM Half-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, and sagion, r. hand holding sword over shoulder l. globus cruciger. Rev. IωANNIC ΔЄCΠOCTH Full-length figure of emperor, seated upon a backless throne, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia. Sear 2196. LBC 373. DOC IV XLII 10. CLBC 14.10.1. CBB 10.19A.
CBB 10.19B

Same as previous but small module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLIII 22. CLBC 14.10.3. CBB 10.19B.
CBB 10.20A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Iω ΔЄCΠ Half-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, loros, orarion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. globus cruciger. Rev. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, feet on dais, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, both hands hold sheathed sword across lap; Fleur de lis to either side above throne cushion. Sear 2195. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 9. CLBC 14.9.1. CBB 10.20A
CBB 10.20B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2206. LBC 393-4. DOC IV XLIII 21. CLBC 14.9.3. CBB 10.20B
CBB 10.20C

Same as previous but reverse with body armor variant. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CBB 10.20C
CBB 10.21

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Winged patriarchal Cross. Rev. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, facing left, seated upon backless throne, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and Saigon, both hands hold sheathed sword across lap. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.33.3. CBB 10.21.
CBB 10.22A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll. Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand resting on chest. Sear 2190. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 4. CLBC 14.4.1. CBB 10.22A.

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC 14.4.2 CBB 10.22B.
CBB 10.23A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. IC XC Bust of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with one pellet per Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion. Rev. Iω ΔЄC O ΔIM Half-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius; Emperor wearing divitision and stemma with pendilia; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing sagion; Patriarchal Cross surmounted on globus between. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.4.3. CBB 10.23A.
CBB 10.23B

Same as previous but reverse with busts and dots at each cross arm. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.23B.
CBB 10.24A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Eagle with spread wings. Rev. Iω ΔЄC O ΔIM Half-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding patriarchal Crosslet; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing lamellar body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand resting on chest; Dots at the end of each Cross arm. Sear 2194. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 8. CLBC 14.8.1. CBB 10.24A.
CBB 10.24B

Same as previous but reverse with intersected patriarchal Cross. Sear –. LBC 372 (incorrectly attributed). DOC IV –. CLBC –. CBB 10.24B.
CBB 10.24C

Same as CBB 10.23A but small module. Sear 2205. LBC –. DOC IV XLIII 20. CLBC 14.8.3. CBB 10.24C.
CBB 10.24D

Same as previous with reverse with St Demetrius holding spear above shoulder. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CBB 10.24D.
CBB 10.24E

Same as CBB 10.23C but reverse with busts. Sear –. LBC 390-2. DOC IV p. 589 G. CLBC 14.8.4. CBB 10.24E.
CBB 10.25A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. O ΘЄOΔωPOC Half-length figure of St. Theodore, nimbate and bearded, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and saigon, r. hand holding sword over shoulder and l. sheath. Rev. Iω ΔЄC O ΔIM Half-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding Cross-within-circle-scepter with triangular decoration; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion. Sear 2191. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 5. CLBC 14.5.1. CBB 10.25A.
CBB 10.25B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2202. LBC 384-6. DOC IV XLIII 17. CLBC 14.5.3. CBB 10.25B.
CBB 10.26

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Bust of St. Michael (?). Rev. Iω ΔЄC O ΔIM Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding Cross-within-circle-scepter with triangular decoration; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.34.3. CBB 10.26.
CBB 10.27A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Half-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, beardless, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and Saigon, r. holding sword in sheath and l. spear across body; Star in r. field and Fleur de lis in l. field. Rev. Iω ΔЄC O Θω Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, holding Cross-within-circle-scepter with dot decoration; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Theodore bearded and nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.27A
CBB 10.27B

Same as previous but small module and obverse as bust. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.27B.
CBB 10.27C

Same as previous but reverse Cross-within-circle-scepter with dot decoration. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.27C.
CNB Placeholder

CBB 10.28

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Unknown. Rev. Iω ΔЄC O ΔIM Busts of emperor and St. Demetrius; Emperor wearing divitision and stemma with pendilia; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor and sagion; Sheathed sword between. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.37.4. CBB 10.28.
CBB 10.29A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Latin Cross; Star at end of each limb. Rev. Iω ΔЄC O ΔIM Busts of emperor and St. Demetrius; Emperor wearing divitision and stemma with pendilia; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing sagion; Fleur-de-lis-scepter with triangular decoration between. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.28.2. CBB 10.29A.
CBB 10.29B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2222. LBC 430-2. DOC IV XLIII 37. CLBC 14.28.3. CBB 10.29B.
CBB 10.30A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels. Rev. Iω ΔЄC Half-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia. Sear 2197. LBC 374-5. DOC IV XLII 11. CLBC 14.11.2. CBB 10.30A
CBB 10.30B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2208. LBC 397. DOC XLIII 23. CLBC 14.11.3. CBB 10.30B.
CBB 10.31A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Cross within circle mounted on decorated base (communion chalice?); Cluster of three dots to either side. Rev. Iω ΔЄC Half-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia; Thessalonica city walls above. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.27.2. CBB 10.31A.
CBB 10.31B

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2221. LBC 428-9. DOC IV XLIII 36. CLBC 14.27.3. CBB 10.31B.
CBB 10.32A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Star; Dots around. Rev. Iω ΔЄC Half-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia; Thessalonica city walls above. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 10.32A.
CBB 10.32B

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.27.3.Hybrid. CBB 10.32B.
CBB 10.33A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Wing. Rev. Iω ΔЄC Half-length figure of winged emperor above Thessalonica city gate, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. globus cruciger. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 11.33A.
CBB 10.33B

Same as previous but small module and reverse with akakia. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.26.3. CBB 11.33B.
CBB 10.33C

Same as previous but reverse with bust. Sear 2220. LBC 424-6. DOC IV XLIII. CLBC 14.26.4. CBB 10.3C
CBB 10.34A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Outstretched facing left. Rev. Iω ΔЄC Half-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding triple pennon battle standard inscribed with two Cross-within-circle motifs and l. Cross-tipped-scepter over shoulder. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.21.2. CBB 11.34A.
CBB 10.34B

Same as previous but obverse wing facing right. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 11.34B.
CBB 10.34C

Same as previous but reverse with sextet pennon battle standard. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 11.34C.
CBB 10.34D

Same as 10.34B but small module. Sear 2217. LBC 418. DOC IV XLIII 31a. CLBC 14.21.3 (wing direction unspecified). CBB 10.34D.
CBB 10.34E

Same as previous but obverse wing facing left. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.21.3 (wing direction unspecified). CBB 11.34E.
CBB 10.35

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Large ’B’. Rev. Iω ΔЄC Half-length figure of emperor, wearing divitision, loros, orarion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding triple pennon battle standard inscribed with two Cross-within-circle motifs and l. spear over shoulder. Sear –. LBC 418 (there misidentified). DOC –. CLBC 14.22.3. CBB 10.35.
CBB 10.36

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast. Rev. Large ’B’ with four dots around; Double pennon battle standard inscribed with two Cross-within-circle motifs. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLIII 32. CLBC 14.23.3. CBB 10.36.
CBB 10.37A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1242 AD, AE. Iω Δ KOMNHNOC O ΔOVKAC. Rev. IC XC Patriarchal Cross. Sear 2224. LBC –. DOC IV XLII 13. CLBC 14.30.2. CBB 10.37A.
CBB 10.37B

Same as previous but small module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.30.2. CBB 10.37B.