Coinage of the Byzantine and Balkan States: 1204-1461

CBB 13.1

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1204-1230 AD, AE. IC XC O ЄMMANȣHA Half-length figure of Christ Emmanuel, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll. Rev. X AP XM Full-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, wearing divitision and loros, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger. Sear 2225. LBC 436-9. DOC IV XLIV 1. CLBC 16.1. CBB 13.1.
CBB 13.2

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, infant Christ at breast Rev. X AP XM Full-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel nimbate, wearing tunic and sagion, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger. Sear 2037 (as Latin). LBC –. DOC IV LI 17 (as Latin). CLBC 11.16.1 (as Latin). CBB 13.2.
CBB 13.3

Trachy, Uncertain location circa 1204 -1259 AD, AE. IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellet in each cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. arm outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels. Rev. Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger; Manus Dei blesses emperor in upper l. field. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV LIV 5. CLBC 11.37 (?) (as Latin, incorrectly referencing DOC IV LIV 6). CBB 13.3.
CBB 13.4

Trachy, Uncertain location circa 1204-1259 AD, AR. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels. Rev. Full-length figures of emperor and Theotokos; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys (?), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding scepter (?) and l. akakia (?); Theotokos nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, r. hand outstretched to crown emperor and l. resting on chest (?). Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV LIV 8. CLBC 16.6. CBB 13.4.
CBB 13.5

Trachy, Uncertain location circa 1204-1259 AD, AE. X AP XM Half-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, and maniakion, r. hand holding spear over shoulder and l. globus cruciger. Rev. O AΓIOC ΓЄωPΓI Full-length figures of emperor and St. George; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter (?) and l. akakia; St. George, nimbate, wearing body armor with chiton, and sagion with agrapha, r. hand outstretched to crown the emperor and l. holding spear. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CBB 13.5.
CBB 13.6

Trachy, Uncertain location circa 1204 -1259 AD, AE. IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellet in each cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. arm outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels. Rev. Full-length figure of emperor and Theotokos holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, r. holding akakia; Theotokos nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, l. hand in benediction. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV LIV 7. CLBC 11.38 (?) (as Latin, incorrectly referencing DOC IV LIV 6). CBB 13.6.
CBB 13.7

Trachy, Uncertain location circa 1204-1259 AD, AE. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Half-length figure of St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, r. hand holding spear over shoulder and l. sword in sheath. Rev. Full-length figures of emperor and co-emperor bearded, holding patriarchal Cross mounted on base; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding unidentified scepter; Co-emperor wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding unidentified scepter. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV LIV 9. CLBC 16.4. CBB 13.7.
CBB 13.8

Trachy, Uncertain location circa 1204-1259 AD, AE. Half-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion. Rev. Full-length figures of emperor and co-emperor, holding patriarchal Cross mounted on base; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter; Co-emperor wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC 16.3. CBB 13.8.
CBB 13.9

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1246 AD, AE. Unknown. Rev. Full-length figures of emperor and St. Constantine (?) bearded, holding unidentified-scepter with triangular decoration; Emperor wearing divitision, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding unidentified-scepter; St. Constantine nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding akakia (?). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 11.34.3 (as Latin). CBB 13.9.
CBB 13.10

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1246 AD, AE. Wing holding sword; Four stars around. Rev. Full-length figures St. Demetrius and emperor, holding sheathed sword; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, r. hand holding spear over shoulder; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter. Sear 2226. LBC 433-4. DOC IV XLIV 1. CLBC 14.31.2 (incorrectly described, reverse emperor as beardless). CBB 13.10.
CNB 13.11A

CBB 13.11B
CNB 13.12A

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD, AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels. Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC O KωNCTANTINOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Constantine, bearded, holding globus cruciger; Emperor wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum; St. Constantine nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter. Sear —. LBC –. DOC —. CNB 13.12A.
CNB 13.12B

Same as previous but small module. Sear –. LBC 279 (Uncertain). DOC IV –. CNB 13.12B.
CNB 13.12C

Same as previous but reverse emperor with chlamys variant. Sear –. LBC 280 (Uncertain). DOC IV –. CNB 13.12C.
CNB 13.13A

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1208 – 1222 AD, AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll. Rev. ΘЄOΔωPOC ΔЄCΠOTHC O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore, bearded, holding globus cruciger; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor and chiton, l. hand holding spear. Sear —. LBC —. DOC —. CBB 13.13A.
CNB 13.13B

Same as previous but small module. Sear –. LBC 278 (Uncertain). DOC IV –. CNB 13.13B.
CBB 13.14

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1237-1246 AD, AE. Fleur-de-lis. Rev. Patriarchal cross with seven rings around. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 14.32.4. CBB 13.14.
CBB 13.15

Tetarteron, Magnesia circa 1222 -1261 AD, AE. Interlacing bands and lines. Rev. Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia. Sear 2152. LBC 313. DOC IV XXXVII 4. CBB 7.1.1.